International seminar: business differences and similarities Poland - Norway During the visit of the delegation from the partner city of Elverum, we organized a seminar during which we presented our methods of supporting entrepreneurs and invited Rolnik Spółdzielnia W Złotów and ZaGray Fitness Studio Barbara Ewa Zawadzka, i.e. a Senior Trainer in our city, to present themselves. We also talked about how the city of Elverum supports entrepreneurs. Thank you for your commitment All activities are carried out as part of the project called Złotów. Wielkopolskie Zdroje financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the state budget. #localdevelopment #Norwegianfunds #EEA #norwaygrants #eeagrants #eeanorwaygrants #Norwegianieogfunds Złotów. Wielkopolskie Zdroje Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy Norwegian and EEA funds Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company Limited Liability Company