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Golden time for Złotów

14 March 2024

Złotów has excellently utilized the past 8 years, during which the residents, together with Mayor Adam Pulit, built a strategic vision for Złotów - Wielkopolskie Zdroje for the next decades, perhaps even for the next 100 years. Today, this vision of the first health resort in Greater Poland is being implemented, and it's happening in a city that ranks second in the nationwide Ranking of the Best Municipalities in Poland (Ranking of Sustainable Development of Local Government Units). It's definitely a golden time for Złotów, where the residents have decided on the future not only for themselves but also for their children and grandchildren.

"In 2021, we secured historically record-breaking external funding of PLN 18.5 million from the Norwegian Funds to fulfill the needs and dreams of Złotów residents for the best place to live, work, study, and relax," says Mayor Adam Pulit. "The brand of Złotów - Wielkopolskie Zdroje, which we are already implementing thanks to the Norwegian Funds, ensures a better future for our children, who will want to return to their hometown after completing formal education because here they will find the best conditions for development and starting a family. The wheel of change and the avalanche of changes have started - no one can stop it, and Złotów is on the best path to becoming a city that will serve as a model for other municipalities on how to seize historical opportunities for development and build a city of fulfilled dreams and needs of its residents," Pulit adds.

The funds obtained by the authorities of Złotów in 2021 from the Norwegian Funds enabled the city to implement a series of significant initiatives that were ideas of the residents on how to arrange their city to make life better. Over 4,000 residents participated in social consultations preceding the development of a vision for a modern city and the preparation of an application for funding from the Norwegian Funds.

The vast majority of these initiatives have already been implemented:

  • Złotów has received certificates confirming that it possesses medicinal resources, namely therapeutic saline waters and peat, and has a climate conducive to treating people with respiratory problems, among other issues - these are fundamental issues now enabling Złotów to apply for spa status - only preparing a spa plan and completing formalities remain for Złotów to become the first spa town in Greater Poland in 2-3 years;
  • in September 2023, the renovation and modernization of the Water Tower were completed, which now houses the City Career Office, advising and training young people on how to care for their future and plan their career path, and the Activity Support and Entrepreneurship Center "Aim High", which stimulates cooperation between NGOs and businesses and promotes entrepreneurship among residents;
  • a degraded residential building on Obrońców Warszawy Street was renovated and adapted to the needs of people with disabilities to become the headquarters for Occupational Therapy Workshops;
  • the Multi-Care Center was established in the Polish House, where the Senior Club and the Złotów Children's University now operate - free sports and recreational activities for seniors are also conducted there by a personal trainer;
  • floating piers with slips and water equipment for residents' use were placed on the City Lake;
  • in cooperation with residents, a functional and utility project with a fully covered amphitheater was developed, thanks to which, in the new EU perspective, funds can be obtained for the construction of a new amphitheater eagerly awaited by residents;
  • technical documentation was prepared to create a disc golf course, shooting range, and Viewing Tower on Wilhelm's Hill;
  • technical documentation and a project for expanding the existing "Laguna" swimming pool with a water playground for children, recreational-sports area, and a salt cave with necessary accompanying infrastructure and land development in Złotów were created, enabling the expected renovation and modernization of the swimming pool by residents in the near future;
  • project documentation was created for the construction of a health trail around Proboszczowskie Lake adapted to the needs of Frame running discipline;
  • a land development project was created for the area and beach at Jeziornej Street;
  • the construction of a saline graduation tower worth PLN 3.6 million is nearing completion, which will be an excellent distinguishing feature of Złotów and a place of recreation and relaxation for residents and tourists;
  • work is being finalized to create a campground with sanitary infrastructure and camper sites on Wioślarska Street, which will attract tourists using such popular forms of tourism to Złotów;
  • municipal entrepreneurs were integrated during business breakfasts, training sessions were organized for teachers and directors, audits of public utility buildings and municipal websites were carried out for accessibility by people with disabilities.

The Norwegian Funds have become a pass for Złotów to make a breakthrough in development, enabling the city to obtain funds for further milestones and initiatives from the Swiss Funds or EU funds from the KPO.

"I have a great sense of satisfaction that we have fully utilized the development opportunity provided by the Norwegian Funds," emphasizes Mayor Adam Pulit. "It's a huge capital for the future that will help us build a unique city on a national scale, excellently utilizing its natural and scenic potential, providing an excellent place for developing our own businesses and investments, as well as engaging residents in co-deciding on the future of their area," Pulit adds.

Now it's time for summaries and sharing rich experiences with other local governments. On the upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday, March 19th and 20th, a conference "Good Practices of Złotów - Wielkopolskie Zdroje" will be held in Złotów, during which Mayor Adam Pulit and invited guests and experts will present projects implemented and financed with Norwegian Funds and discuss the future of Złotów. The conference will be attended by, among others, Aleksandra Kowalska, a strategic advisor at the Union of Polish Cities, Artur Gnat, the author of the Złotów - Wielkopolskie Zdroje brand concept, project supervisor of Złotów from the Union of Polish Cities, Artur Gnat, and Piotr Powiertowski, the president of MZWiK, and Zbigniew Rynasiewicz from the Działyński Palace.

The conference organized on March 19th will be broadcast online and open to all residents. You are warmly invited!